Applying the ‘sniff test’: 3 myths and 3 lessons for dispelling Latter-day Saint rumors
By Trent Toone May 24, 2021, 12:01pm MDT
In 2018, a television reporter wanted to produce a news story about a Book of Mormon that briefly belonged to Elvis Presley.
The light blue volume of scripture featuring the angel […]
With the recent publication of my complete analysis in BYU Studies, I thought I’d answer the ten most common questions I’ve received about Elvis Presley and the Book of Mormon. (Page numbers in parenthesis are from the article.)
Q1. Did Elvis Presley write in this copy of the Book of Mormon?
A. No. […]
In Real vs. Rumor I share a variety of interesting reactions from people to these findings of forgery. Further, I use this forgery to illustrate how developing good thinking skills can help protect us from being faked (see pp. 136-137).
My 9,000-word analysis of the forged Elvis Presley annotations in a Book of […]
This article was published online in the Church News on November 14, 2018, and a notice appeared the same day in the Deseret News. The story ran in the print version of the Church News on November 18 (pages 18-19) and was posted on on […]