The Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association has published Erekson’s “Telling the Story of ‘The Ages’.” The essay reviews the literature on the memory of Abraham Lincoln. The JALA is the only journal devoted exclusively to Lincoln scholarship and is the official journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association.
The Indiana Magazine of History celebrated the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth with a special issue on Lincoln and Indiana guest edited by Keith Erekson. Articles in the issue explore the state’s efforts to preserve its Lincoln collections, the history of the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, statues of Lincoln in Indiana, and the life […]
In Everybody’s History, Erekson encourages teachers to take their students into the archives. “After countless hours of painstaking research through photos, libraries, archives, and oral histories,” his students donated their research papers to the El Paso Museum of History. [Read the full press release (written by the students)] They researched and wrote about […]
The Vermont Historical Society bestowed its Ben Lane Award on Keith Erekson for the best article published in Vermont History during 2005-2007. The article, “The Joseph Smith Memorial Monument and Royalton’s ‘Mormon Affair’: Religion, Community, Memory, and Politics in Progressive Vermont,” was published in on pages 118-151 of the Summer/Fall 2005 issue.
The Oral History Review has published Erekson’s “Method and Memory in the Midwestern ‘Lincoln Inquiry’: Oral Testimony and Abraham Lincoln Studies, 1865-1938.” The article reviews the efforts from the 1880s through the 1930s to collect and examine oral histories with Abraham Lincoln’s Indiana neighbors. OHR is the official publication of the Oral History […]