
Teaching Family History

A Resource Guide for Family History Teachers

Teaching Family History provided a simple and effective outline for teaching others to become involved in family history work. The approach was built on a vision of helping everyone to do family history work by going to their homes, finding out about their circumstances, and working on their own family history. Along the way, the booklet taught the reasons for doing family history work, responded to common excuses about lack of involvement, and built excitement that comes from discovering information about one’s own family.

Teaching Family History was published by the BYU Center for Family History & Genealogy in three print editions that all rapidly sold out. With the advent of New FamilySearch, the Center transformed the pamphlet into a web-based resource called the Family History Companion.

“Your lesson outlines are wonderful and I appreciate your personal approach with the individuals and families.”

—LuAnn, Arizona

“Of the many lessons I have reviewed, these are the finest. The content is good and the design beautiful. These are the only ones I have seen that have even tried to be simple and basic.”

—Reviewer, LDS Family History Department

“I just wanted to thank you for making my future Family History classes much better. The more I read the above booklet, the more I know I received a rare gem in the mail a couple of days ago.”

—George, Oklahoma

“This program sounds so awesome and I can tell how much hard work has been put in it. I was getting excited just reading your outline of the program. Gosh, I don’t think I can thank you enough. This is awesome! I can’t wait to show this to our family history consultants. Thanks a million!”

—Teresa, Indiana

“The family history manuals are beautifully prepared. Thank you so much. I’m sure they will be just what we want and indeed have needed in our Stake.”

—Shirl, California