Keith A. Erekson is an award-winning author, teacher, and public historian who currently serves as the director of historical research and outreach for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also sits on the editorial board of the Church Historian’s Press.

Erekson has authored numerous books and articles on topics including politics, hoaxes, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, and Latter-day Saint history. His work has been published in various scholarly journals, including the Journal of American History, The History Teacher, the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, the Oral History Review, and Latter-day Saint history journals.

Erekson is a talented public speaker with a passion for helping history make sense. He speaks often to public audiences and the media, directs workshops with school teachers and history professionals, and consults with leaders of historical sites and commemorations. He enjoys speaking at Latter-day Saint conferences and events, including BYU Education Week and RootsTech.

For seven years, he directed the Church History Library, overseeing expanded online research access and enriched public exhibits. Before leading the Church History Library, Erekson was a tenured associate professor of history and founding director of the Center for History Teaching & Learning at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). He also served as special assistant to the university president and executive director of UTEP’s Centennial Celebration. He possesses two decades of international management experience in library administration, higher education, scholarly publishing, and automotive manufacturing. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Brigham Young University, a doctoral degree in history from Indiana University, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at El Paso.

Erekson grew up near Baltimore, Maryland, and now lives near Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and children.


March 5, 2024
Assisting with the transfer of the Kirtland Temple and other artifacts

May 24, 2021
Erekson teaches how to Discern What’s Real From What’s Rumor

January 4, 2021
Ten Questions about the Church History Library

November 14, 2018
Elvis Presley’s copy of the Book of Mormon ain’t nothin’ but a forgery

August 4, 2017
‘History skills’ can strengthen study of Book of Mormon witnesses, speaker says

January 5, 2015
UTEP Celebration Wins Community Spirit Award

November 28, 2012
American Historical Association Invites Erekson to Help Improve History Teaching

August 24, 2011
U. of Texas Regents Name Erekson an Outstanding Teacher

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